Cam production at Daimler, Berlin

The fully automated plant in Berlin motor factory of Daimler AG produces cams for the downstream camshaft production, and also carries out a quality check.

Technical Details


Camshaft production at Daimler AG in Berlin plant


  • Separation of the cams, checking and aligning with cameras
  • Automation of 6 rotary / milling machines
  • Storing the processed cams in wire baskets, and piling the wire baskets in a basket storage for decoupling the follow-up plants
  • Automation of an induction hardening machine and storing the cams in a cooling tunnel
  • Hardness and crack testing for the 100% inspection of the cams


  • 4x SINUMERIK 840D sl
  • 2x SIMATIC S7-300 with IM151-8F PN/DP-CPU
  • 1x KUKA KR5


  • Cameras for sorting and orientation of the cams
  • Data acquisition MDE / PDA
  • Provision of production data for the product life cycle file PLA
  • On-the-fly change of types and batches
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